Sun cross – mystic, alchemical art by Carl Gustav Jung

Description: Artwork created by famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art or decor. You …


Nikola Tesla – Wireless electrical energy transmitter patent print

Description: 1914 Nikola Tesla patent for “Apparatus for transmitting electrical energy” also known as Wardenclyffe Tower wireless transmitter based on huge Tesla coils. Wardenclyffe Tower was one of the most …


Nikola Tesla vintage photo portrait – inventor, scientist, genius

Description: Famous inventor Nikola Tesla antique photo portrait. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art or decor. You can …


Friedrich Nietzsche, The Drunken Song, Zarathustra manuscript

Description: The Drunken Song from “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” – the handwritten manuscript page by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, …


Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher photo portrait – philosophy print

Description: German philosopher and essayist Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche antique photo portrait, 1882. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art …


Mandelbrot Fractal first digital visualization, 1978 poster

Description: Ever firs image of Mandelbrot set (formula created by one of fractal geometry founders – Benoit Mandelbrot). This visualization was originally published in 1978 paper by Robert Brooks and …


Timothy Leary vintage 1960s poster – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

Description: Vintage 1960s poster featuring by psychologist and LSD researcher Dr. Timothy Leary and his famous quote: “Turn On… Tune In… Drop Out…” PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can …


Timothy Leary photo, lecture flyer, vintage memorabilia poster

Description: Psychologist and LSD researcher Dr. Timothy Leary memorabilia includes his 1970s arrest mugshot, acid blotter paper with signature and handbill promoting his lecture about LSD recorded on vinyl. Collage …


Terence McKenna, Psilocybin book vintage memorabilia poster

Description: Ethnobotanist, mystic and psychonaut Terrence McKenna memorabilia includes his 1976 signed photo, “Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide” book cover (written by Terrence and his brother Dennis and published in …


Sigmund Freud 1926 Psychoanalysis article manuscript poster

Description: Psychoanalysis article manuscript by Sigmund Freud. This article was written in 1926 by Freud for Encyclopaedia Britannica, where he described the main features of psychoanalysis, the results of his …


Sigmund Freud 1915 Unconscious article manuscript poster

Description: Psychoanalysis article manuscript by Sigmund Freud. This article called “Das Unbewusste” (Unconscious), it was written in 1915 and it’s covered one of the main conceptions of psychoanalysis. PRINTABLE DIGITAL …


Charles Darwin photo portrait antique cabinet card poster

Description: Biologist, naturalist and founder of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin photo portrait. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other …


Sigmund Freud with cigar antique photo portrait

Description: Vintage photo portrait of famous psychologist, founder of the psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other …


Lorenz Strange Attractor, Chaos theory, math art poster

Description: Vintage 1960s visualization of Lorenz system also known as Lorenz strange attractor (strange attractor is a fractal figure visually represents various states of chaotic dynamic systems). Edward Norton Lorenz …


Dmitri Mendeleev – The Periodic System table manuscript poster

Description: Famous chemist Dmitry Mendeleev’s 1869 manuscript page depicting the outline of the periodic table of chemical elements. On this page Mendeleev the first time formulated the system, which radically …
