Vampyrism and vampiric magick book collection – PDF eBooks

Description: This collection of Vampyrism and vampiric magick books includes over 95 titles from past and modern authors covering vampirism phenomena from occult, historical, psychic and other sides. This library …


Varcolaci Sigil, Devilcosm Mirror, vampirism, white-black print

Description: The Varcolaci Sigil or the Devilcosm Mirror represents the nightmare aspect of the living vampyre. Symbol is composed of an inverted pentagram connected by pair of Varcolaci vampire spirits. White on black …


Varcolaci Sigil, Devilcosm Mirror, vampirism, red-black print

Description: The Varcolaci Sigil or the Devilcosm Mirror represents the nightmare aspect of the living vampyre. Symbol is composed of an inverted pentagram connected by pair of Varcolaci vampire spirits. Red on black …


Baphomet sigil, satanic church pentagram, white-black print

Description: Baphomet sigil print. White on black version. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art or decor. You can …


Baphomet sigil, satanic church pentagram, red-black print

Description: Baphomet sigil print. Red on black version. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art or decor. You can …


Luciferian and Chaos magick book collection – PDF eBooks

Description: This collection of Luciferian and chaos magick books included over 350 titles from past and modern authors, including the pre-founder of chaos magick Austin Osman Spare. High-quality files in …


Mental faculties, diagram of the human mind, spiritual brain print

Description: Mental Faculties illustration from “Utriusque Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris, metaphysica, physica, atque technica Historia” by Robert Fludd, 1619. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for …


The Temple of the Rosy Cross, Rosicrucian symbol, alchemy art

Description: The Temple of the Rosy Cross illustration from Theophilus Schweighardt “Speculum Sophicum Rodostauroticum” (The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosicrucians), 1618. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can …


Tree of Knowledge, hermeticism, mystic cabbala, alchemy art

Description: The tree of good and evil knowledge illustration from antique 1600s manuscript. There’re good and bad fruits on the tree that symbolise life and death, love and hate, light and …


Tree of Pansophia diagram, microcosm, macrocosm, alchemy art

Description: Tree of Pansophia (Pansophy) diagram by Theophilius Schweighart, firstly published in the Speculum sophicum Rhodostauroticum (The Mirror of the Wisdom of the Rosy Cross) PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file …


Sophia, secret symbols of Rosicrucian, alchemy, hermetic art

Description: Sophia (Wisdom) illustration from 1785 alchemical work “Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians from the 16th and 17th Centuries” (original title: “Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten …


Qliphoth, Tree of death, Sephiroth shadow, Left-hand path poster

Description: Tree of Qliphoth is associated with the shadow side of the Sephiroth/Sefirot (Tree of life), darkness, chaos, and Left-hand path philosophy. The concept of Qliphoth is sometimes depicted as …


Rebis, Hermaphrodite, magnum opus, mythology, alchemy art

Description: Antique illustration of the Rebis. The Rebis is the end product of the alchemical great work (magnum opus). Sometimes it described as a union between Venus and Mercury due …


Birth of the philosopher’s stone, Hermetic triumph, alchemical art

Description: Birth of the philosopher’s stone illustration from 1689 alchemical work “Der Hermetische Triumph”. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other …


Azoth mandala, Mercury, alchemical transformation, alchemy art

Description: Azoth mandala. antique illustration. Azoth is the alchemical name for mercury that was believed to be the essential agent of transformation in alchemy. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file …
