Montgolfier brothers historic air balloon drawing 1786 print

Description: 1786 illustration depicting the Montgolfier brothers’ historic air balloon with engineering data. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall …


Aryabhata mathematics works ancient Indian science poster

Description: Pages from Lilavati of Bhaskara ancient manuscript. This manuscript is the only surviving work on mathematics by famous ancient Indian scientist Aryabhata. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be …


Werner Heisenberg signed manuscript, nuclear physics poster

Description: Vintage signed Werner Heisenberg’s letter discussing his Uncertainty Principle, 1955. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art or …


Pythagorean theorem ancient Arabian manuscript, math poster

Description: Antique 1258 manuscript page depicting the Pythagorean theorem in the Arabian translation of Euclid’s Elements. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster …


Metaphysics and epistemology collection – 250 PDF eBook

Description: Collection of 250 books covering the questions of metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of science. High-quality scans in PDF format (800Mb of materials). Note: some titles can be duplicated in …


Rorschach inkblot psychological test, vintage 1920s drawing

Description: One of inkblot projective psychological tests originally drawn by psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in the 1920s. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other …


Geological chart by Levi Walter Yaggy, vintage geology poster

Description: Vintage geological chart depicting cross-sections of geological formations from geographical atlas by Levi Walter Yaggy published in 1887. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art …


Marco Polo – Book of Wonders medieval manuscript poster

Description: Famous medieval merchant and explorer Marco Polo leaved Venice – 1271 manuscript page with illustration from Book of the Marvels of the World, also known as  The Book of …


Guglielmo Marconi patent, radio transmitter vintage print

Description: Transmitting electrical signals patent by the inventor of radio Guglielmo Marconi, 1897. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and other wall art …


Isaac Newton manuscript, Principia Mathematica print

Description: Antique page from original manuscript of the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Newton’s masterpiece on the laws of motion and the law of gravitation. The Principia was printed in London …


J. Robert Oppenheimer manuscript, atomic research print

Description: Vintage 1941 handwritten page with math equations were made by J. Robert Oppenheimer during invention of the first atomic bomb. It’s a part of original Oppenheimer’s manuscript. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE …


Galileo Galilei manuscript – Moon phases diagram drawing

Description: Phases of the moon drawing from original manuscript of legendary medieval astronomer Galileo Galilei, 1500s. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster …


Nicolaus Copernicus manuscript – Solar system diagram print

Description: Heliocentric solar system diagram from original manuscript of legendary medieval astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, 1500s. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art print, poster and …


Erwin Schrödinger manuscript – Quantum physics poster

Description: Single page with physical formulas and diagrams from original notebook of quantum theory founder Erwin Schrödinger, about 1930. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating …


Alan Turing – Enigma Machine top secret diagram poster

Description: Enigma machine diagram and description from original declassified papers of very influential mathematician Alan Turing, about 1942. PRINTABLE DIGITAL IMAGE Printable digital file can be used for creating art …
